Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 3 - Thing 5: Flickr

I spent some time exploring Flickr. There are so many more things to do on that website than I ever thought! I took their tour, and then I had a great time playing on their Interestingness section. Which is where I found this picture:

It doesn't have anything to do with libraries, but I thought it looked really neat. I love all the colors in it. It also has Christmas lights, and Christmas is my favorite holiday! I'm just as bad as stores that start selling Christmas decorations before Halloween. By the time Halloween comes around I'm already figuring out how to decorate the house and anticipating getting a Christmas tree. The day after Thanksgiving when radio stations start playing Christmas music, my entire family grumbles while I'm in my car merrily singing along at the top of my lungs.

Although, on the topic of libraries, this picture did get me thinking about Christmas programs. I was never involved with library programs around holidays when I was younger. So I have no idea what kind of programs are run in libraries around Christmas, but I had an idea for a YA program for Christmas. Maybe this picture (or more like it, or better!) could be posted for YA's at the library to look at and there could be some kind of photo contest for them. Pictures inspired by a winter/winter holiday theme. Then a display of photography books and winter/holiday books could be put out. And of course, all the pictures could be put up on Flickr!

I'm not a librarian (yet), so I don't know if this would actually work well as a program. What do you think?

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